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More signs of spring

Hi all 

I took a group of scouts on a tour at Farmington Bay yesterday and
enjoyed Swan Day. The DWR and Farmington Bay had scopes set up and we
were able to watch the swans. Phil Douglas told me Thursday there were
between 500 and 600 swans, by yesterday only a couple dozen left.
Hundreds of new ducks, avocets, and pelicans are beginning to arrive in
droves. There were also still many eagles sitting on the remaining ice
eating carp. Last week I didn't see any avocets but yesterday there were
hundreds. I remember last years observations on birdnet that as the
avocets arrived the eagles left. Sadly the eagles and swan numbers seem
to be reducing as it gets warmer and they head north or the avocets chase
them off. 

Aside from avocets and pelicans we spotted many pintails, common
mergansers, cinnamon teal, shovelers, green winged teal, canvasbacks, and
ruddy ducks, of course Canada Geese everywhere.

Happy Birding Steve 

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