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Backyard Birding

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago I added new feeders and water source to my backyard. My goal was to attract more Scrub Jays (I only occasionally saw one), attract American and Lesser Gold Finches, Nuthatches, Woodpeckers, and Pine Siskins to the always present House finches and house sparrows, and common but sporadic Ruby Crowned Kinglets and Black Capped Chickadees. 

So far there are now 5 scrub jays in my yard everyday that spend most of the day. I have several Flickers that come everyday and I have seen a male Downy Woodpecker almost every day at my suet feeder. Yesterday I saw Pine Siskins for the first time and in addition to the always present Oregon Dark Eyed Juncos I have seen several of the Slate Colored Dark Eyed Juncos. Still no Gold Finches or Nuthatches. But the activity in my yard is very impressive and very fun to watch. There is also a Sharp Shinned Hawk that swoops through occasionally looking for a meal. 

Unfortunately I have not seen the Redpoll again. I really wish he would show up so some of you could see it and verify my identification.

What a great hobby good luck to all of you, Steve


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