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Green Heron

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\From pinkstring@networld.com  
From: "Pomera M. Fronce" <pinkstring@networld.com>
Subject: Green Heron
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 16:29:01 -0600

Just a note to let you know I saw an immature Green Heron west of 
Santaquin today (Sunday).  Travel south on I-15, take the Santaquin 
exit and go west.  After traveling through the town of Santaquin,
proceed for roughly 1 1/2 miles to a pond on the north side of the
road. The intersection is marked US 50 & 6 and 800 East.

The heron could be seen from the main highway when I was there (between

1:15 and 2:15); however, he did fly a little to the north to fish the 
river.  Look carefully - if the heron is not in the water, he can blend

in with the dirt banks.  I watched for the better part of an hour as he

and a Greater Yellowlegs waged a friendly competition for fishing 

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