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\From Ed Leite
Subject: Snowbasin
Email_Address: edsonleite@aol.com

Message: Today I did a bicycle race that started at Hunstville and went

up to Snowbasin Ski Resort, In Huntsville there were lots of robins, 
one cedar waxwing, a few starling, morning doves, thrush sp., magpies,
by Pineview Res. american white pelicans, buteo, lots of other raptors 
catching a thermal, at Snowbasin, blue birds, northern rough-winged 
swallows, two White-throated Swifts, robins, chickadees. One American
Crow at the I84 1/2 miles sign to US89.

Sorry I could not have the species for most of the birds forgot to take

my binoculars.


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