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hummingbird help

Yesterday Nancy told me she saw a hummingbird at the maple tree I planted a
few weeks ago so when I was picking up seed today I also bought a feeder and
nectar mix.
We have far from the ideal hummingbird habitat. The area I hung the feeder
has no flowers, little shade, a couple of young trees and no shrubs. My
options are limited as to where I can put it. Anyway, I hung it from the
corner of the playhouse and went inside. Within seconds I looked out just to
check my view of the feeder. I was shocked to see that there was already a
hummingbird there. It soon left though.
This is what I'm puzzled about. I've noticed a hummingbird arrive at the
feeder three time since then and each time they have left faster than I can
get the binoculars in my hands. Is it possible that my nectar mix is driving
them away? I tried following the directions for the Artline nectar by mixing
it in the feeder. I'm afraid I didn't get it right though. A lot of the
powder didn't make it in the feeder and it's hard knowing how far off I was.
Should I toss it and try again? Is it critical to have the mixing spot on?


Ron Wheeler

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