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Farmington Bay sightings Dec 27 in PM

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It was an active afternoon at Farmington Bay.  All the usual suspects were 
there, as well as American Tree Sparrows (in the brush along the entrance 
road before the outbuildings), American Pipits (on the west dike road), a 
female Long-Tailed Duck at the first bridge on the west dike road (very close 
to the road in the open water), Lesser Scaup (with the Long-Tailed Duck), a 
Barrows Goldeneye in the same area (as well as many Common Golden Eye), four 
different Short Eared Owls that were mousing along the west dike road (with 
reasonable success), a dozen immature and mature Bald Eagles in the trees 
just before reaching the western dike road and on the ice on both sides of 
the western dike road, quite a few Rough Legged Hawks that perched on many of 
the signs along the west dike road (which allowed a close approach in the car 
for really good looks).



Bill Fenimore

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=2>It was an active afternoon at Farmington Bay. &nbsp;All the usual suspects were <BR>there, as well as American Tree Sparrows (in the brush along the entrance <BR>road before the outbuildings), American Pipits (on the west dike road), a <BR>female Long-Tailed Duck at the first bridge on the west dike road (very close <BR>to the road in the open water), Lesser Scaup (with the Long-Tailed Duck), a <BR>Barrows Goldeneye in the same area (as well as many Common Golden Eye), four <BR>different Short Eared Owls that were mousing along the west dike road (with <BR>reasonable success), a dozen immature and mature Bald Eagles in the trees <BR>just before reaching the western dike road and on the ice on both sides of <BR>the western dike road, quite a few Rough Legged Hawks that perched on many of <BR>the signs along the west dike road (which allowed a close approach in the car <BR>for really good looks).
<BR>Bill Fenimore</FONT></HTML>

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