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Provo Cemetery Sightings

Due to a family wedding, missed the exceptional birding trip Saturday with
Dennis Shirley and the Utah County Birders. So that my day wouldn't be a
total loss birding wise, I treated myself to a quick drive over to the Provo
Cemetery to look for the Red Crossbills. Tried to find them last Saturday,
but no luck. Got there shortly after 10 a.m. and saw dozens of Cedar
Waxwings in the trees at 900W. One of them looked like a Bohemian but flew
away before I had a better look.

Ran into three of Merrill Webb's former students who were out sharpening
their birding skills without their fearless leader. We started looking for
the Crossbills but no sign of them. Much to our delight, however, our first
sighting turned out to be the flock of Red-breasted Nuthatches which had
been reported a while back at the Provo Cemetery. They were busily feeding
in the tops of some pines at about 500W and Main along with some Mountains,
Black-caps and Yellowrumps. 

We continued for another half hour trying to locate the Crossbills but saw
no sign of them. Saw a Flicker, more Robins, Chickadees and Waxwings. It was
about 10:40 a.m., and even with the sun out it was bitterly cold. We'd been
tramping along the snowy paths in the north west section of the cemetery,
and were almost ready to give up on the Crossbills when suddenly we heard
their "jip-jip-jip" and a whole flock of them flew into the tops of the
pines at 400W 600 N. They seem to move around quite a bit, since every
report seems to indicate a different location. An added bonus was a Brown
Creeper. It turned out to be a great morning! Good birding everyone. . . .

Leena Rogers

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