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Utah Bird Report for 11/19/00

- - RBA
* Statewide
* November 19, 2000
* UTAH0011.19

- - Birds mentioned:

Pacific Loon                    Cache Co.
Horned Grebe                    Davis Co.
Trumpeter Swan                  Salt Lake Co.
Hooded Merganser                Salt Lake Co.
Merlin                          Utah Co.
Sandhill Crane                  Salt Lake Co.
Black-bellied Plover            Davis Co.
Thayer's Gull                   Davis Co.
Northern Pygmy-Owl              Salt Lake Co.
N. (Yellow-shafted) Flicker     Utah Co.
Bohemian Waxwing                Utah Co.
Common Yellowthroat             Salt Lake Co.
American Tree Sparrow           Davis Co.
Lapland Longspur                Davis Co.
Snow Bunting                    Davis Co., Utah Co.
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch         Unitah Co.
Black Rosy-Finch                Iron Co., Uintah Co.
White-winged Crossbill          Salt Lake Co.

- - transcript

Utah Birdline
(801) 538-4730
Compiler: Mark Stackhouse
Transcriber: Mark Stackhouse


A PACIFIC LOON continues to been seen on Hyrum Reservoir, with a sighting
of one on Saturday, 11/11 (JBa,KU).


A LAPLAND LONGSPUR was seen at FBWMA on Saturday, 11/11 (J&KB). It was near
the south end of the west dike road. It was seen again in about the same
place throughout the week, with sightings on Sunday, 11/12 (M&MSm), Monday,
11/13, Wednesday 11/15 (TS) and on Saturday, 11/18 (DS,m.ob.).

Other good birds seen at FBWMA this week include 3 SNOW BUNTINGS along the
west dike road on Monday and Wednesday, 11/13 and 11/15 (TS); a HORNED
GREBE near the south end of the west dike road on Sunday, 11/12 (M&MSm);
and a small flock of AMERICAN TREE SPARROWS just past the buildings along
the entrance road on Saturday, 11/11 (J&KB) and Sunday, (M&MSm).

Along the AIC on Saturday, 11/18, a BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER was seen on the
north side about 1/2 mile west of the entrance station, a flock of about
6-7 SNOW BUNTINGS was seen working both sides of the causeway, and a
first-winter THAYER'S GULL was seen on the south side near the island (TS).


About 50 or more BLACK ROSY-FINCHES were seen along the New Harmony Road on
Sunday, 11/12 (P&SS). They were about 0.6 miles west of exit 42 on I-15.


A WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL was seen visiting a feeder in Holladay on Tuesday,
11/14 (DO).

YELLOWTHROAT were seen on Saturday, 11/11. The swan was seen again on the
Jordan River at the confluence of Parley's Creek, about 3/4 mile north of
3300 South, on Monday, 11/13. Also seen on the Jordan River on Monday,
11/13, was a pair of HOODED MERGANSERS, just south of 3300 South (JH).

A NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL was seen at the mouth of Millcreek Canyon on Tuesday,
11/14 (D&MS). It was seen on the road about 100 yards into the canyon, and
flew into the oak brush on the north side.


A mixed flock of about 75 GRAY-CROWNED and BLACK ROSY-FINCHES was seen in
the Buckskin Hills northeast of Vernal on Sunday, 11/12 (KP).


Two SNOW BUNTINGS were seen at the end of the south jetty at Utah Lake SP
on Friday, 11/17 (CP).

At the Provo City Cemetary, a BOHEMIAN WAXWING was seen in a small flock of
Cedar Waxwings on Thursday, 11/16 (CP).

A MERLIN was seen at the Provo Airport on Wednesday, 11/15 (RS). It was
near the junction of the dike road and the airport entrance road.

A yellow-shafted NORTHERN FLICKER was seen at Kiwanis Park in Pleasant
Grove on Monday, 11/13 (TW). To get there, take 200 South in Pleasant Grove
east to the mouth of Battle Creek Canyon.

This concludes the Utah Bird Report for Sunday, November 19, 2000.

Observers: JBa=Jared Barnes, K&JB=Kathy & Joel Beyer, JH=Jack Holley,
DO=Deedee O'Brien, KP=Kathy Paulin, CP=Cheryl Peterson, TS=Terry Sadler,
DS=Dennis Shirley, M&MSm=Margaret & Mike Smith, D&MS=Dee & Mark Stackhouse,
RS=Reed Stone, P&SS=Priscilla & Steve Summers, KU=Kort Utley, TW=Tom

Abbreviations used:

AIC = Antelope Island Causeway
FBWMA = Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area
m.ob. = many observers
SP = State Park

- - end transcript

Please report your sightings by calling the Utah Birdline at:

(801) 538-4730

or by e-mail to westwings@sisna.com

You may e-mail questions and comments to westwings@sisna.com or you may
call (801) 487-9453.

Mark Stackhouse
Westwings, Inc.
1432 Downington Ave.
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
(801) 487-9453

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