General Information |
Gull Identification |
Immature Gulls |
Key to Adult Gulls |
Species List | |
Ring-billed Gull (similar
Breeding Adult - black ring on yellow bill with yellow tip; pale eye
Photo by Marvis Collett
©Marvis Collett
Non-breeding Adult - streaking on neck (but not as much as Herring Gull)
by Jack Binch
©Jack Binch
1st Winter - Splotchy pale gray mantle, pink legs, pink bill with black
by Ted Fitzgerald
©Ted Fitzgerald
1st Winter Flying - Black terminal tail band, no white
spots on wing tips,
indistinct carpal bar (at bend of wing)
by Kent Keller
©Kent R. Keller
2nd Winter - speckled or broken terminal band on tail,
wingtips black with few white spots
by Margaret T. Sanchez
©Margaret T. Sanchez
Ring-billed Gull
Similar Species
1st Winter California
- RBGU slightly smaller, shorter-billed. Adult RB paler gray
on mantle, with whtie eyes, black bill ring.
First-winter RB whiter below than same age Dal.; shows pale
gray on back and tail with thinner, dark subterminal band.
Third-winter Cal. may show distinct black ring on bill, but
have darker mantle than Ring-billed and never have pale eyes. |
1st Winter Mew
- has a much finer bill, darker but less spotted under
parts, less distinct wing and tail pattern |
2nd Winter Mew -
has a darker gray mantle and dark eyes. |
Mew Gull - has an unmarked bill. |
Immature Herring Gull - is similar; Winter Ring-billed Gulls are far less
streaked on the neck. Juveniles and first-winter Ring-billeds are paler overall than Herring Gulls especially on
the head and underparts; these areas are white with varying
amounts of black spotting on the hind neck; has a rounder
head. |
2nd year and adult Black-legged Kittiwake - may be
somewhat similar. |
1st winter Ring-billed - lighter
below than California (notice gray on back)
by Ted Fitzgerald ©Ted
1st winter
California - is darker below than Ring-billed (see above)
by Paul Higgins ©Paul
1st Winter Mew Gull - has
much finer bill, darker but less spotted under parts,
less distinct wing and tail pattern than a Ring-billed
Paul Higgins
©Paul Higgins
Juvenile Herring Gull -
Juveniles and first-winter Herring Gulls are darker overall
especially on the head and underparts; these areas in the
Ring-billed are whiter with varying
amounts of black spotting on the back of the neck; the
Ring-billed Gull has a rounder head.
by Ryan Houston
©Ryan Houston