China Meadows

Gray Jay    Paul Higgins   ŠPaul Higgins (2010)

Nearby:   State Line Reservoir,   Blacks Fork,   Henry's Fork,   Dahlgreen's Creek

Directions:  Go south from Mountain View, Wyoming, on WY-410 for about 7 miles.  Instead of following the main road that turns west go straight on WY-246 south for about 8 miles to where the road forks.  Take the left fork (FR-013) to the State Line Reservoir about 6 more miles away. As you continue on, you'll pass the Bridger Lake turnoff in about a mile, but continue on FR-072 about 3 miles and you'll reach China Meadows.

Description:  This summer birding area is part of Wasatch-Cache National Forest which consists mainly of wet meadows, open water, riparian, and aspen habitats.  (Restrooms campgrounds and picnic areas are available).

Birds:  Green-winged Teal, Northern Harrier, Hairy Woodpecker, Spotted Sandpiper, Common Nighthawk, Gray Jay, Mountain Chickadee, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Mountain Bluebird, American Pipit, Western Tanager, Lincoln's Sparrow, Cassin's Finch, Pine Siskin

     eBird Data:   |  Marsh Lake CG  |


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