Utah Listing Records


  Utah Listing Records:

         Main Page     

  Submit Your Numbers !   (Any of these three methods will do).

The two regular forms are unavailable right now because of a
Robo Attack,
So Please send in your numbers by email to

(Please include appropriate dates, places, other birder's names
in a group. etc., when that is part of the record).

     E-mail your numbers    (utahbirds@gmail.com)
Submit number or ask questions by e-mail.   (eBird trick:  You can use the "snipping tool" or some other screen capture app to capture your "My eBird" page with all of the county or state numbers on it.  Just make a note of which numbers you're submitting, and attach the "capture file" to your email).

Suggested Rules: 

     Listing Standards
Although keeping your lists is a personal thing, we suggest some standards)

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