Utah Birds

Listing Numbers for a Given Year

(Submit the number you have tallied this year).
(Numbers already on the website do NOT need to be re-submitted).

(For three or fewer records, please use the "Update Form")

Use the "tab" key to move from one blank to the next or "click" in the desired blank.

Year of Report:   <-- required 
Your name:
From what city:


Life List

for Year

 Biggest Year




ABA area (with Hawaii)

ABA Continental (without Hawaii)

Lower 48 States

USA (50 States)

  AOU (N.& C. America, Carib., Hawaii)


(List your 10 best yard birds below) Yard

To submit numbers for more than 9 counties or latilongs
and to report accumulative totals for counties or latilongs,
 please use the blank at the bottom of the form.


Monthly Totals for Utah for the Year
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


  (For other years, or other areas, please use the blank at the bottom of the form).


Big Day (for any year or area not yet submitted)
  Species Area Date Others in group


Life Lists for Other States and Foreign Countries
  State or Country Species   State or Country Species   State or Country Species
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
For additional states or countries, please use the blank below or fill out another form.


Additional Records and information not listed above: 
  (You may also write comments or explanations in this blank--it's a big blank, you can write as much as you like). 
Date Submitted:
  <-- required  (This blank is required and placed at the end
     of the form so that if you hit an "enter" [a reasonable thing to do and works "normally"
     in some blanks]  the form won't be submitted unintentionally

If you have records for different years or for a lot of countries states, counties, etc., you can fill out
and submit this form  several times if needed. just make sure you include your name each time.
Or email .

If you have questions, please e-mail .

You should get a "Records Submitted" message when this is successful.

Thank you for participating!