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Fwd: Bird watching Binoculars

Birdnet Email -- from the website

----Original Message Follows----
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 20:41:55 -0600 (MDT)

It was submitted by Pat Pritchett (patsofs@hotmail.com)

Subject: Bird watching Binoculars

Email_Address: patsofs@hotmail.com

Message: My employer called me from Canada today and ask that I find his
wife some small but good binoculars. I have no idea where to start. I have
to leave for Canada on Sunday and he would like me to bring them to him for
her Mother's Day gift. They are living on 2 1/2 acrea of wooded area with
lots of different types of birds and she like to watch them. She uses his
sports binonculars which are large and if the table wiggles the world goes
Pat Pritchett 801-376-2306

[please respond to Pat - 801-376-2306 patsofs@hotmail.com]

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