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Parker Gay's article


I was surprised at Parker Gay?s article in the Salt Lake Birders
newsletter about the Utah Rare Bird Alert.  It suggested that Bill
Fennimore was putting only sightings reported by phone in his reports. 
I sent Bill and e-mail and asked him about that and he said that he has
been including the sightings from the Birdnet. If that?s the case (and
I have no doubt that it is), birders who don't have the internet should
be able to get everything by phone. 

If birders have to report their sightings in two different places,
there?s a problem is our system, not with the birders.  If you notice
that sightings are missing from either the phone hotline or the
birdnet, please contact either Bill Fennimore or me and we can try to
fix the problem.

Best wishes,
Milton Moody
utahbirds.org webmaster

P.S. If someone could inform Parker Gay about this, I?d appreciate it.

P.P.S.  The article said, ?Secondly, it takes a long time to wade
through this website, with its many reports of common birds, to find
the rarities.?  The Birdnet was split into the Birdnet (hotline) and
BirdTalk (for more casual stuff) for just  that purpose.  You should be
able to find the latest ?good sightings? in the Birdnet archives on the
Utah Birds website.  If this isn?t working well, please let me know and
I?ll try to make it better.

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