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Yesterday I went to the mt's above Minersville to let the pigeons out 
for training again.  I birded for several hours and I may have seen the 
left dorsal sholder of the white crown  :>) .  I did get a nice picture 
of a Red-breasted Nut Hatch.  There was a pair that was very curious 
about me.  The Pinyon Jays number 153 & 2/3rd's in the flock.  There was 
a Warbling Vireo, Pine Siskin, and 2 Cliff Swallows over the pond.  I 
was surprised to see fish jump in the little pond since it's so full of 
trash.  It's always fun to discover a new birding area.  Oh, I also saw 
a mature Golden and an immature with the white wing patches.   Judy  

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