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FW: Winter Bird Festival Details

Welcome to the
St. George Winter Bird Festival
January 28-30, 2005

Festival Headquarters: Tonaquint Park * 1851 S. Dixie Drive * St. George, UT
(All field trips will meet & leave from the Tonaquint Parking Lot)

Friday, January 28 (Sunrise 7:40 am, Sunset 5:55 pm)

Events Title Time Presenters/Leaders
Sales Birding Books & Gear 8-noon & 3-5 pm ASIA
Workshop Basic Birdwatching 101 9-9:30 am Charlie Sheard
Workshop Advanced Birdwatching 9-9:45 am Josh Kreitzer
Walk Tonaquint Bird Walks 10-10:45 am Charlie & Josh
Presentation Birds & Habitat of WA County 11-11:45 am Rick Fridell
Social Tonaquint Social Time Noon-12:45 pm Bird Committee Organizers
Field Trip Virgin River Stroll 1-2:00 pm Don & JoAnne Weldon
Field Trip Washington Fields 2-3:15 pm Cordell Peterson
Workshop Creating a Wildlife Friendly Backyard 3:30-4:15 pm Bob Douglas
Workshop Feeding Birds: Feeders & Seed 4:30-5:15 pm Bob Walters

Saturday, January 29 (Sunrise 7:39 am, Sunset 5:56 pm)

Events Title Time Presenters/Leaders
Field Trip Lytle Ranch: Winter SW Specialties 7:30-12:30 pm * Kevin Wheeler
Field Trip Hurricane Valley Birds 9am-noon * Rick Fridell
Field Trip Cedar Valley Raptors 1-5 pm * Steve Hedges
Social Evening Banquet, Silent Auction 6-9 pm ** Mike Small
and Keynote Speaker

* Duration of event including travel time ** Banquet located at Staheli Catering, 28 N. 300 W., Washington, UT

Sunday, January 30 (Sunrise 7:38 am, Sunset 5:56 pm)

Event Title Time Leader
Field Trip Vermilion Cliffs California Condor 8 am-??? Mike Small
Excursion (lunch NOT provided)

Saturday Evening Banquet Mail, Fax or Bring Registration Form with Payment to: St. George Recreation Center 400 East 285 South St. George, Ut 84770 Call Dawn: Phone # 435-634-5860 Fax # 435-634-5911 On-Line Registration: www.activityreg.com

Name: ___________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________ City: _______________ State: ____________ Zip: ___________

Home Phone: __________________________________Work Phone: ______________________________________

Check Payment Method: $20/person
___ Cash ___ Check (please make payable to St. George City)
___ Visa ($1 internet charge) ___ MasterCard ($1 internet charge))

Name on Check or Credit Card: (please print) ________________________________________________
Credit Card #: ________________________________ Exp. Date; ______________ Signature: _________________________________

I, the undersigned, acting for myself or guardian, do hereby agree to (allow) participate(tion) in the aforementioned activity(ies) and further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of St. George, its agents, festival sponsors and employees from all reproduce or use of my image without cost or reimbursement on video, photographs or any other media for promotion of the City's programs and facilities.

______________________________________ ________________
Signature of Participant Date

For additional information contact:

Charlie Sheard 435-879-2210  mcsheard@redrock.net
Marilyn Davis 435-673-0996  kadavis@redrock.net


Red Cliffs Chapter of the National Audubon Society, Division of Wildlife Resources, City of St. George,
State of Utah Division of Parks & Recreation, Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Strip Interpretive Association


"Red Cliffs" web site: http://www.xmission.com/~cldavis/
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