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RFI--target birds in SW Utah, etc.

Dear Fellow birders in St. George,

My husband and I will be vacationing in your general area October 1-8 of
this year and we are looking forward to birding in and around St. George,
Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon NP, and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon,
along with visits to Cedar Breaks, Pipe Springs NM, Coral Pink Sands State
Park as time permits.  After two nights in St. George, we will be staying
at Zion Mountain Lodge for the remainder of the time.

I have birded extensively in the west, but have never been to your area.
There are only a couple of life birds I could get and I will get to those
presently.  The focus of this trip is to explore the gorgeous environs of
the National Parks for the first time; however, I also enjoy a good day's
birding with or without lifers, and would appreciate any local
recommendations on places to go in or near these parks.  I have pulled of
some suggestions from the Utah birds website, but local knowledge of St.
George birders would also be appreciated!

Life birds possible would be
Greater Sage Grouse--I see it listed on the bird list for Bryce as a very
rare bird--any possibility of actually getting it?  (I am assuming the area
we will be visiting is out of range for Gray Partridge).

Three-toed Woodpecker--Victor Emmanuel Nature Tours notes that they look
for this bird in the Kaibab National Forest near the North Rim; however,
that's a big area and I would appreciate some hints on specific locations
to try.  This species prefers senescent forests or recent burns.  Note:
Roads must be drivable by a standard passenger car, as we will be renting
one this trip, rather than having our own sturdy vehicle.

Great Grey Owl--one always hopes! Any possibilities?

Black Rosy Finch--Does this species occur at all in your high country, such
as at Cedar Breaks?  (I suspect its range is further north and east,

Juniper Titmouse--this appears like this one should be easy, but specific
locations would still be appreciated. (We need this to validate the split.)

Other potential lifers your area, such as Flammulated Owl, won't be
available because of the time of year--I assume they will have migrated
south by now.

I would appreciate very much any comments and suggestions you might give.

Thank you,
Florence Sanchez
Santa Barbara, California


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