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Red Cliffs March Events

Dear friends and members of Red Cliffs Audubon:

Its Condor Month!
This month, we're planning our events around the largest bird around: the California Condor.

Wednesday, March 10: General Meeting, Tonaquint Nature Center, 7 pm. Mike Small will discuss recent events and status of the re-introduced California Condors in Arizona. Mike has the incredible opportunity of being able to work up close with these magnificent birds, and it should be a great presentation. Everyone is invited.

Saturday, March 20: We've scheduled our annual California Condor trip to coincide with a release of several of the birds that will take their first flight into the wild. Mike Small and other biologists will meet us there and be able to discuss the program and answer questions. This is a rare opportunity to observe the results of years of conservation and hard work, not to mention one of the rarest birds in North America. Bring your binoculars, a sack lunch, and scope if you have one (there will likely be some available there, but the Condors are quite a ways away still, and difficult to see without one). Meet at the BLM office at 7 am or at 10 am at the viewing site at the base of the Vermillion Cliffs, 27 miles west of Marble Canyon, Arizona on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Road 1065 (aka Upper House Rock/Coyote Valley Road) three miles north of US Highway 89A (at the western end of Vermilion Cliffs). This is a graded, sedan-accessible road.

Hope to see you all out.

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"Red Cliffs" web site: http://www.xmission.com/~cldavis/
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