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Red Cliffs November Events

Dear friends and members of Red Cliffs Audubon:
Activities planned for the month of November:
Wednesday, November 12: General meeting, Tonaquint Nature Center, 7:00 pm. Charlie Sheard will present information on the Cornell Bluebird Trail Project, and about bluebird houses. Sometimes other birds use them, too (Charlie had Ash-throated flycatchers nest in the one in his back yard.) Should be interesting, and if you've been thinking about puting up bird houses, or participating in a good citizen-science project, this is the meeting for you.

Saturday, November 15: Field Trip - Virgin River Trail in St. George. We will see what birds we can find as close as our city trails. We'll meet at the BLM office on Riverside Drive at 8:00 am. We'll then start at the Santa Clara Confluence park (South of the BLM office near the St. George Convention Center). We may also go to the Halfway Wash Trail, where we are organizing a conservation project to clean up the wash (more details on that later). Bring lunch, your field guides, and binoculars.

Hope to see you all out.

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"Red Cliffs" web site: http://www.xmission.com/~cldavis/
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