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Sand Hollow Shorebirds 4/19/03

After a great day birding on the Beaver Dam Wash, I decided to push my luck
and visit Sand Hollow and look for shorebirds (7:45 - 8:20 pm). I certainly
am glad I did.

Shorebirds included:

Black-bellied Plover (2)
Snowy Plover
Black-necked Stilt (3)
Lesser Yellowlegs
Willet (41)
Long-billed Curlew
Marbled Godwit (3)
Sanderling (8)
Western Sandpiper (6)
Least Sandpiper (4)

Other highlights included: ~1000 Eared Grebes, ~50 Western Grebe, a single
White-faced Ibis, Franklin's Gull (22), and Bonaparte's Gull (2).

Best Regards,

Rick Fridell
Hurricane, UT


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