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Winter NAB reports Solicited

Hello, Utah & Nevada birders,

Another great winter of birding is winding down, and now it is time to
submit your winter season bird reports (December 2002, January and February
2003) for the GREAT BASIN REGIONAL REPORT in the North American Birds

For full details on submitting records, please visit this web site:


Please submit your records by March 20, 2003 to myself
(rfridell@redrock.net) and/or Steve Summers (summers@cedarcity.net).

Also, please remember to include documentation on regional (and seasonal)
rarities and vagrants.  As usual, we would sincerely appreciate any
observations or perspectives on how the weather or other factors influenced
the distribution and/or abundance of wintering Great Basin birds.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Rick Fridell and Steve Summers


"Red Cliffs" web site: http://www.xmission.com/~cldavis/
To unsubscribe from the redcliffs birdnet:
  Send a e-mail  to:     redcliffs-request@utahbirds.org
  In message body, type:                   unsubscribe