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Red Cliffs events for March.

Dear friends and members of Red Cliffs Audubon.
First, BIG thank-you to all those who helped last month with the Conservation Project (Condos for Quail). We will be planning more various conservation projects in the future, and hope that you can participate in these opportunities to give back to nature.

Our scheduled events for the month of March include:

Society Meeting "Gardening for Birds" on Wednesday, March 12 at 7pm at the Tonaquint Nature Center. Belinda Heebner will be the guest speaker. Should be interesting and good information for those just getting your spring gardening in.

Field Trip The Henderson Ponds, March 15th. The Henderson Ponds were written about in the ABA magazine "Birding" June issue. They are w/c available, all 12 ponds. This is a long distance for one day so don't plan anything else. Meet at the St. George BLM at 6:00 AM(BRIGHT AND EARLY). Tell your spouse you'll be home late. Bring plenty of water, and bring lunch, or bring money to get some food in Las Vegas. There are some good places to eat nearby if we want to. Don't forget your hat and a good set of 'nockers (Binoculars). Hope to see you there.

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"Red Cliffs" web site: http://www.xmission.com/~cldavis/
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