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Dixie Birders in Garfield County.

The Dixie Birders spent November 6th in the field. Our target bird was the
Acorn Woodpecker seen by many along SR 12 north of Boulder, UT. Results were

We found the ACORN WOODPECKER atop the lone dead Ponderosa Pine mentioned in
Dennis Shirley's posting (Oct. 16,'02). Before long it had disappeared. We
then followed up on a female HAIRY WOODPECKER in a partly dead snag, right
over our head. Almost immediately the Acorn Woodpecker reappeared in this
tree and drove the Hairy off. We noticed two nesting cavities in this tree,
but find it hard to think that a solitary bird could be producing young -
parthenogenesis? We had exceptional looks at the woodpecker here, who then
flew to the "cache" tree, only to disappear when we looked away. We waited
for several minutes, but to no avail. So we continued on to Lower Bowns
Reservoir for additional birding. On our return the bird was seen about half
way up the tree. As we pulled off the road it flew to the top and almost
immediately flew off to the north out of sight.

In all, we had a total of 44 species. Below are some of the more interesting

Lower Bowns Reservoir (Boulder Mtn.):
Gadwall (60+)
Pinyon Jay
Townsend's Solitaire

Wide Hollow Reservoir (Escalante):
Northern Pintail
Canvasback (12+)
Redhead (100+)
Ring-necked Duck (200+)
Common Goldeneye (6)
Hooded Merganser
Northern Harrier

Along the way:
Bald Eagle
Golden Eagle
Great Horned Owl
Stellar's Jay
Black-billed Magpie
Mountain Bluebird

4-point Mule Deer

Dixie Willie
St. George


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