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Worm-eating Warbler

This morning (9/28) at 9:45, the Red Cliffs Audubon field trip participants
located an adult WORM-EATING WARBLER in the Red Cliffs Campground
(Washington County, UT).  It was foraging in the riparian area that runs
through the campground. The group of 12-15 all saw the warbler off and on
for approximately an hour.  It was still present when we left at 10:45. In
fact they are still out birding other sites in the area (I volunteered to
come back and post this, so I hope I have not missed too much!).
We also found an immature male ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD in the same area. I'm sure
Kevin will post a complete trip update later.

Rick Fridell


"Red Cliffs" web site: http://www.xmission.com/~cldavis/
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