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Bear River Refuge 4/27/2005


I spent the morning hours yesterday at Bear River, since I had to be up in
that part of the galaxy later in the day to give a talk to John Cavitt's
class at Weber State. 

The water is up higher than it was last Saturday, and there were a few new
arrivals (at least new to me)

1) Canvasback - a pair seen in the canal south of the road just east of the
refuge gate

2) Brown-headed cowbirds - Several males and one female at a "lek" atop a
dirt pile near the restrooms

3) Newly-hatched Canada Geese (probably only a couple of days old) - with
the parental geese in the river channel east of the refuge gate.

In addition, the marsh wrens are still blabbering away, but have started
nest construction all along the refuge loop trail. For some pictures of
that, as well as some other images from yesterday, see the URL


newer images are at the bottom of the page, starting with the Long-billed
Curlew.  No pictures of Ivory-billed Woodpeckers, unfortunately, but I hope
you enjoy them nonetheless!



Dave Rintoul, Ph.D.                          <drintoul at ksu dot edu>
Biology Division - KSU                            ICBM: 39.18N, 96.34W
Manhattan KS 66506-4901                              VOX: 785-532-0104 
http://www-personal.ksu.edu/~drintoul/               FAX: 785-532-6653
Currently on sabbatical leave at the University of Utah


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