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Fwd: Helping with Statewide Initiative for Critical Lands

Bill Fenimore
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Dear folks who are on Debbie Goodman's e-mail lobbying update list and others,
Debbie has a good comprehensive list of people from Audubon and other organizations, so I thought I would use mostly her e-mail list to forward this information regarding the statewide initiative for critical lands.  (Please excuse me if this is a duplicative mailing for you.)
           Wayne Martinson
Hi Wayne - could you please forward this message to Audubon members and other supporters?
Thanks so much for your help!
Jill Lehmann
Government Relations Specialist
The Nature Conservancy
559 East South Temple
Salt Lake City, Utah 84102
Dear Audubon members and others:
Please read the information below and learn how you can become involved in this historic and exciting effort to protect critical lands in Utah!

Signature Gatherers Urgently Needed in Utah
for Statewide Campaign to Protect Critical Lands

Please Protect Utah's Future by Helping to Gather
30,000 Signatures by May 31!
We have eight weeks to qualify Utah's FIRST conservation initiative for the 2004 ballot. 
Concerned citizens and organizations have launched a statewide ballot initiative in Utah to protect our natural treasures, such as clean water, critical lands, recreation areas, and family farms.  
In order to qualify this unprecedented measure for the 2004 ballot, volunteers must gather signatures from approximately 30,000 registered Utah voters by May 31, 2004.  For more background information, please see below. If you are able to gather signatures or make a donation, please immediately contact:

Jamie Gibbs
Utahns for Clean Water, Clean Air & Quality Growth
(801) 531-7304
If you send an email or leave a voice mail message, please include all of your contact information and specify how you would like to help.  We especially need people who can gather signatures at events with other volunteers.

 Utahns For Clean Water, Clean Air & Quality Growth
What is "Utahns for Clean Water, Clean Air & Quality Growth?"
Itâs a political issues committee organized under section 20A-11-801 of the State Elections Law that has been formed to help place a $150 million conservation bond on the 2004 ballot. Supporters of this organization include civic leaders, conservation organizations and concerned citizens like you.
Why the Urgency?
Utah is changing fast. Our population is projected to grow by another one million people by 2020âso the question isnât if we are going to grow, but how. Increasing growth will bring more development, traffic, pressures on our parklands and recreation areas, and threats to our clean air and clean water. Even now, critical lands are being converted to development every day.
If we do not act now, we risk losing the quality of life that makes Utah such a great place to live. We also risk leaving our children and their children without clean water or clean air. The choices we make today are crucial.
If voters approve this measure, funds will be spent for statewide needs such as protecting:
land around rivers
lakes and streams
sources of drinking water
wetlands and critical wildlife habitat
family farms and ranches  
museums of natural history 
historic and cultural landmarks
city, county and state parks trails
greenways and recreational facilities.
You Care About Utahâs Future
Utahâs critical lands, our redrock canyons, mountain forests, and clear lakes and streams are the foundation of our quality of life. Now, more than ever, we must act to protect these treasures while we still have time. In order to get this conservation bond on the ballot, Utahns for Clean Water, Clean Air & Quality Growth needs your help!
You Can Help NOW in this Historic Effort!
At this time, Utahns for Clean Water, Clean Air & Quality Growth is organizing a signature gathering drive to place the proposed conservation bond on the 2004 ballot. Approximately 120,000 signatures must be collected by May 31 -- that includes the extra signatures needed to compensate for invalid signatures. Of the 120,000 signatures, 30,000 must be gathered by volunteers.
If you would like to help, please email Jamie Gibbs at jgibbs@utahlands2004.org. Volunteers are needed immedtaely to help collect signatures and volunteer at the campaign headquarters.

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