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Washington County Birds

Merry Christmas everyone,

It has been months since I've been able to spend much time birding locally,
and had anything to post.  Hopefully that will change in the new year.
Anyway I've finally been able to get out a bit and here are some Washington
County highlights:

This evening (12/22) there were two first winter Tundra Swans on Stratton
Pond, Hurricane.  Stratton Pond continues to host a few Greater Scaup and
huge numbers of Hooded Mergansers (usually 50-80).

Yesterday I saw a flock with FIVE species of Geese at the SR-9 (Hurricane)
Sewer Ponds. The flock was grazing on the grassy hillside between the ponds.
There were about 40 Canada Geese, 5 or so Ross's Geese, 3-4 Snow Geese, a
first winter White-fronted Goose, and a probable Cackling Goose (I guess
perhaps I should say 4 and half species of Geese).  The possible Cackler was
about the same size as the WF Goose, with a very small wide bill, dark
breast, and distinct white collar.  If pressed, I guess I would label it
Aleutian (lueopareia), but would appreciate hearing the thoughts of any
other observers.

Also, I just read Lu's report of Eurasian Collared-Doves in SE Utah.  It has
been amazing watching the successful colonization of these doves. The
current numbers in Washington Co. are unbelievable.  There are flocks in
Ivins, Santa Clara, Middleton, and Bloomington Hills (~50 per flock), and
hitting their roosts in the Washington Fields and Washington I've counted
over 300 individuals.  Speaking of Doves, the White-winged Doves are
continuing in Washington this winter (most reliable spot is in the pine
trees with EuCD's at the corner of 100 North and 200 East).

I hope everyone has a fine holiday season.

Happy Holidays,

Rick Fridell,
Hurricane, UT

Oh yeah, here's a plug encouraging everyone to post the highlights of the
upcoming Christmas Bird Counts.  Good luck.


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