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Long-tailed Duck, Scoter, and more

I spent the day along the Great Salt Lake and saw some great birds.

Long-tailed Duck - same bird Brian Currie discovered earlier in the 
week, near the bridge at AIC

2 Black Scoter - first south of the last bridge, but on my return, north 
of the same area at AIC.

Barrow's Goldeneye - 1 female bird about 150 yards east of the last 
bridge at AIC.

Black-bellied Plover - on the rock jetty where the causeway curves 
southwest at AIC.

2 Hooded Merganser - Kaysville Ponds, just a week too late for the GSLA 

Thayer's Gull - At least a half a dozen juvenile birds at the Bountiful 
Landfill, as well as 2 adults.

100's Herring Gull - At the dump at well.

6 Bonaparte's Gull - along the causeway.

Rough-legged Hawk - in the Eagle tree at Farmington

American Tree Sparrow - along the road to Garr Ranch

2 Great Horned Owl - at Garr Ranch

Plus a huge 4 point deer hanging out around the ranch house!  What a day 
of great birding.  the gulls are starting to pile up, and I saw several 
probable hybrids as well as a few gulls that I am going to post to ID 
frontiers.  The guy at the gate was pretty strict about letting me in, 
so please if you go to the dump, follow whatever rules they tell you.  
It would be terrible to lose this birding "gem".

Good Birding

Salt Lake City, Utah

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