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Ouray National Wildlife Refuge General Waterbird Survey

Ouray National Wildlife Refuge
General Waterbird Survey

Peak fall color is almost here.  Still some green cottonwoods on the
Refuge, but many are turning.  The following birds were seen within the
survey route:

Canada geese   604
Mallard   256
Gadwall   631
American wigeon   180
Northern shoveler   73
Northern pintail   25
Cinnamon teal   5
Green-winged teal   236
Scaup   1
Coots    1,527
Great blue heron   34
Double-crested cormorants   69
American white pelicans   437
Black-crowned night heron   16
American bittern   2
White-faced ibis   4
Cattle egret   7
Snowy egret   3
Sandhill crane   28
Pied-billed grebes   20
Western grebe   110
Clark's grebe   3
Eared grebe   2
Dowitcher spp.   100
Common snipe   4
Ring-billed gull   64
Red-tailed hawk   2
Peregrine falcon   1
American kestrel   1
Northern harrier   3
Turkey vulture   15

Diane Penttila
Ouray NWR
Randlett, UT
(435)545-2522 x 223


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