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Another Sabine's Gull at AIC

Antelope Island Causeway in Davis County is hosting yet another juvenile 
SABINE'S GULL.  Has this been a Sabine's season, or what?  This Sabine's 
Gull was on the north side of the causeway at approximately mile 4.1 at 
around 5:45 pm.  Paul Higgins joined me at the spot and took a few 

Both of use were sure the bird wasn't there when we each in turn passed 
the spot an hour or so earlier.  That's our story anyway, and we're 
sticking to it.  

Other birds along the causeway this afternoon included Black-bellied 
Plovers, Long-billed Curlews, just one Sanderling, Western Sandpipers, 
great numbers of Least Sandpipers mixing with Killdeer, a handful of 
Baird's Sandpipers, great numbers of dowitchers far to the north and 
mixing with the lines of ducks, one sad injured Willet, and one sad 
injured Wilson's Phalarope that Paul pointed out to me.  I also saw two 
HORNED GREBES with a flock of Eared Grebes south of the big bridge near 
the marina.  The Horned Grebes have fully adopted their winter plumage.  

This morning I returned to Chicken Creek East along SR-40 at the 
northern-most tip of Strawberry Reservoir in Wasatch County to look for 
the juvenile Sabine's Gull I saw there late yesterday afternoon.  Alas, 
no Sabine's Gull, and just about no other type of bird either.  I did, 
however, see many plastic ducks in an odd, unmoving formation in shallow 
water and a man attempting to hide nearby under camouflage netting.  He 
didn't fool me, no-sir-eee!

Thanks to Milt for posting yesterday's Sabine's Gull sighting.  



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