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Tooele County

This is not a UOS Quick Chase notice.  And that's what we are going to 
call them when the UOS is involved, not Quick Trip.  And, because we are 
mostly Americans, not Englishmen, we are not going to use the British 
term for what we do.  But it still is an important posting.

Anyway, Pomera and I met with Candy Zaffis, who has reported the 
potential Crested Caracara, out at the location where the bird has been 
seen several times.  We also met Jack Binch there, but none of us saw a 
Caracara.  There are numerous Golden Eagles, Red-tails in various 
morphs, Swainson's Hawks, Turkey Vultures and big Ravens.  Candy will 
continue to look for and photograph the, at present, mystery bird.  We 
are all hoping that it is the Caracara.

There is a good sized, shallow pond about 3/4 mile south of the 
intersection of highways 36 and 199.  There are 2 adult Sabine's Gulls 
in non-breeding plumage flying back and forth over the pond, and 
settling down on the water from time to time.  You can't miss them 
because they are the only gulls in the area.  Also seen were 3 Solitary 
Sandpipers at the south edge, 2 Dowitchers, 3 Wilson's Snipes, numerous 
Western and Baird's Sandpipers, Greater Yellowlegs, Osprey and a herd of 
Antelope - one big buck and a very attractive harem.  These sightings 
were between 8:30 and 11:30 a.m.

Fingers crossed for the Caracara.

--Steve Carr

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