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Fwd: Willard Bay

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----Original Message Follows----
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 08:24:57 -0600 (MDT)

It was submitted by nonna21@hotmail.com

Subject: Willard Bay

Email_Address: nonna21@hotmail.com

Message: Yesterday September 5th Shauna Smith, Celeste Smith, Arnold Smith and I saw several Common Terns on the salt flats to the west of the Willard Bay State Park dike. The Terns were mixed in with Forester?s Terns, Ring-billed and Franklin?s Gulls. Other birds of interest were 5 Pectoral Sandpipers, several Bonaparte?s Gulls in winter plumage and a lone drake Greater Scaup in eclipse plumage. There were several other sandpipers including Semipalmated, Least and Western. The Pectoral?s seemed to stay by themselves while the others were in mixed flocks.

Directions to the west side of Willard Bay State Park dike:Travel north on I-15 until you see Smith and Edwards on the west side of the interstate. Once you see Smith and Edwards and the more famous military graveyard you will take the next exit. Once you take the exit you will turn left at the stop sign. Proceed west for 0.1 mile back over the interstate until you see the first road that takes off to the west. It will be on the right side of the road. If you go past Smith and Edwards you will have gone too far. After you turn on to this road you will follow it until it 
dead-ends (2 >miles or so) into a dirt road to your right. You will stay straight on this dirt road. It will go straight north for about 0.5 miles then it will turn to the west for another 0.5 miles or so and then turn north for another 0.1 mile until the road heads west again up against the outside of the dike. This dirt road goes around the outside of the Willard Bay dike. You will want to take a high clearance vehicle due to the poor condition of the road. The Pectoral Sandpipers and Bonaparte?s Gulls were at the first mud flats you come to after leaving the paved road maybe 1 mile at the most. The Common Terns were on the west side about 1-2 miles past all the sandpipers. The lone Greater Scaup was about 0.3 to 0.5 miles beyond all the terns. Use caution if you decide to go out there because the road is very rough.

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