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West Desert Birds 9/5/05


Kristen and I took advantage of the Labor Day holiday (and the cheap gas
prices!) and made a run through the West Desert.  We spent a very enjoyable
day at Fish Springs NWR (Juab Co.) and various locations in Snake Valley
(Juab and Millard Counties).  The highlight was a HUDSONIAN GODWIT at Fish
Springs. The Godwit was foraging along the west side of the large shallow
pool in the Pintail Unit of the refuge.  There were 1000's of birds in this
pool and conditions  are currently perfect for shorebirds, waders, pelicans,
ducks, etc.  There were dozens of herons and egrets (50+ GB HERONS, 80+
SNOWY EGRETS, 1 GREAT EGRET) and we saw 18 species of shorebirds (including
50+ SNOWY PLOVERS and a couple SANDERLINGS) and at least half of the
shorebirds were on the far side of the pool and unidentifiable even with a
scope. We also saw a female BLUE GROSBEAK near the refuge headquarters.

There were fair numbers of typical western migrants moving through Snake
Valley.  Other highlights of the trip included a NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH,
EASTERN KINGBIRD, and a LONG-EARED OWL at Foote Reservoir, Bishop Springs
(Millard Co.).

Best Regards,

Rick Fridell
Hurricane, UT


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