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I birded along the causeway this morning, was able to relocate the 
juvenile Whimbrel around MM 2.  No sign of the Turnstone, but there is a 
lot of shoreline, so....

Between MM 4-6 on the northside of the causeway:

2     American Golden-Plover (1/2 between MM 5-6)
21   Black-bellied Plover
104 Snowy Plover
22   Semipalmated Plover
35   Killdeer
4     Red Knot
57   Sanderling
119 Least Sandpiper
2     Semipalmated Sandpiper (probably more)
2     Pectoral Sandpiper
39   Baird's Sandpiper
1,700+ Western Sandpiper
50.000 American Avocet
1,000+ Black-necked Stilt
25    Willet
1,000+ Wilson's Phalarope
250+ Red-necked Phalarope
1      Spotted Sandpiper
11 Long-billed Curlew
100+ Long-billed Dowitcher
23  Yellowlegs sp. Flying

This is the best shorebirding I have had in a long time along the 
causeway.  Start keeping your eyes peeled for a Curlew Sandpiper or a 
Wandering Tattler, WHO KNOWS?

Also, a Peregrine Falcon is still hanging out near the causeway, as it 
turned the sky orange, white and black with Avocets on the northside.

Good Birding

Salt Lake City, UT or Wherever the Birds Take Me!

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