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Bear River Waterbird Count

Waterbird/Raptor Count

Total duck count of about 11,000.  This is similar to 2004 count of 13,000.
Largest number of Western and Clark's grebe on record.  Southbound migrant
shorebirds have arrived already: Marbled Godwit, Wilson's Phalarope,
western and Baird's sandpipers, Greater and Lesser yellowlegs.  About a
week earlier than normal for the sandpipers and yellowlegs.  About 25% of
the birds listed were observed from the tour loop.

Canada Goose            1941
Mallard                 1603
Pintail                 1142
GW Teal           225
BW Teal           14
Cinnamon Teal           1942
Shoveler          712
Gadwall           2413
wigeon                  409
Canvasback        20
Redhead           1775
Scaup             5
C. Goldeneye            1
Ring-necked Duck  10
ruddy Duck        781
PB Grebe          21
Eared Grebe       564
Western Grebe           770
Clark's Grebe           420
Pelican                 567
Cormorant         583
GB Heron          88
Great Egret       7
Snowy Egret       56
Cattle Egret            10
BC Night Heron          28
WF Ibis                 4101
Snowy Plover            5
Killdeer                35
BN Stilt                2565
Am. Avocet        4349
Willet                  3
Spotted Sandpiper 8
Greater Yellowlegs      8
Lesser Yellowlegs 7
Unid. Yellowlegs  12
Long-billed Curlew      3
Marbled Godwit          175
Western Sandpiper 120
Peep              8
Baird's Sandpiper 11
Wilson's Phalarope      2831
Franklin's Gull         2896
RB Gull                 3
California gull         2532
Caspian Tern            27
Forster's Tern          404
Black Tern        3
Virginia Rail           5
Sora              8
Coot              2600
Sanhill Crane           4
RT Hawk           1

Bridget Olson
Wildlife Biologist
Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge
58 S. 950 W.
Brigham City, UT  84302
Phone: 435/723-5887 ext. 13
Fax: 435/723-8873


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