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FW: Zone-tailed Hawk

Birdnet Email -- from the website

----Original Message Follows----
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 22:17:27 -0600 (MDT)

It was submitted by Marcus Lawson [Please respond to marcusjlawson@yahoo.co.uk]

Subject: Zone-tailed Hawk

Email_Address: marcusjlawson@yahoo.co.uk

Message: Hi there,
I'm an English birder currently staying in Springdale for a week. Today I 
managed to get away for a full days birding and spent it touring round the 
top end of Kolob Terrace Road. At c11.30 as I was just approaching the Resr 
I saw a large dark bird of prey quite flying low down in front of me, 
although it superficially resembled a Turkey Vulture it was evident even 
with the naked eye that it was a Hawk. I sped up to the top of the hill to 
get even closer to the bird. As soon as I got my bins (10x42 Leica) on the 
bird it was clearly a predominantly all dark hawk with a white tail band on 
the underside (nearer the tip). As it banked I could see that it did not 
have a white rump thus eliminating Black Hawk. It gained height and joined 4 
Turkey Vultures heading in a Northerly direction.
Also of interest today was 20 Clark's Nutcrackers noisily moving east below 
Lava Point Picnic area (6.45am), a very tight group of 24 Eared Grebe were 
on Kolob Resr at first light but no sign later. There was a drake Lesser 
Scaup and five Ruddy Duck on Blue Springs Lake and many Pine Siskin were in 
the area.

Whilst I am here I am very keen to try and see Blue Grouse, do you know of 
any good sites at the moment please?

All the best and please feel free to contact me.

Yours Sincerely
Marcus Lawson

[Please respond to marcusjlawson@yahoo.co.uk]

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