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My first Bird Report

    A few days ago John Richards invited me to go birding at Antelope Island.
 We watched the male White-winged Scoter through my Meade 90 telescope where
it filled up the eyepiece.  A Loggerhead Shrike socialized with us when we
were first viewing.  He was only 20 feet away and I was able to see him in detail
with my binoculars. Both of these were near the bridge on the causeway.
    At one point a group of about 6-8 birders were trying to figure out for
sure what a certain duck was that was sitting on the shoreline.  Two of us were
able to walk quite close.  The consensus finally was that it was a Ruddy
Duck.  The plummage was a little different than what we expected.
    A few days ago one of my sons pointed out a hawk sitting in our crab
apple tree about 20 feet from out kitchen window in South Jordan.  It sat there
for about ten minutes and we were able to get a good view from the front.  I
decided it was a juvenile Cooper's Hawk or Sharp-shinned Hawk.  As I didn't know
what to look for at the time I was unable to differentiate.  Of particular
interest was the large white circles on the bird's back.  I could only begin to
see them as the best I could do was to view from the side.  We concluded that
it was a beautiful bird and were disappointed when it flew without our getting
a better view of the back.

    Good Birding,
    Dennis Williams


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