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Yankee Meadow Reservoir, etc. (11/7)

Hello All,
While returning from a friend's wedding in Las Vegas, my wife and I stopped at a few spots to look for birds. Because of a nice array of ducks seen on ponds at Mesquite, NV, we decided to try to find some water.
At Yankee Meadow Reservoir, a little ways north of Brian Head and east of Parowan, we almost struck out on ducks but found a small group (about 8) of LESSER SCAUP with only 1 male in crisp plumage. We also saw a lone adult BALD EAGLE on the shore near where Bowery Creek flows in. At one point, the eagle flew out into shallow water and snagged something (probably a fish) and ate it for a while. Then, it flew out across the lake. Other birds included a Townsend's Solitaire and a Pinon Jay that flew across the road as we were returning to Parowan.
Also, while passing rapidly through Meadow this evening on I-15, I saw a dark Rough-legged Hawk. There are many Red-tailed's along the I-15, although they seemed to prefer (or were more visible) in areas with adequate trees and poles for perches.
For the curious and border-ignoring, at Mesquite, we had a few Bufflehead, 50+ American Coot, 3-4 Mallards, ~5 Canvasback, 4 Redhead, 30+ Ring-necked Ducks, 10+ Ruddy Ducks, 2 Great Blue Herons and about 10 Double-crested Cormorants. For land birds here we saw a Say's Phoebe (late or wintering?), a Sharp-shinned hawk that had some prey (and some blood on the side of its head) and a few flyover American Pipits.

Good Birding,
Matt Williams
Provo, UT


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