I too saw a Blue Jay in Clarkston at the yellow house on the southwest
corner of Main and 200 So. Or more to the point 211 So. Main. What a
wonderful feeding station the gentleman has. I don't blame the Jays for
stopping there. They must think they are at the Clarkston Ritz
Carlton. And they are being fed for free. Glen and myself arrived
about 1:45 PM and set in front of the house for around 20 minutes. Saw
nothing. We then drove around a few blocks and back to the place. At
this point the owner came out and talked to me and said he had 4 Jays
coming and we should hang around a while. We stayed until one came.
What a beautiful bird.
Many thanks to this kind gentleman for making this sighting know and
allowing people to come and see.
Good to get back to birding. Try it. You'll like it.
Donna Thorum