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FW: birds of interest at Garr Ranch this afternoon [Fri. 15th]

Sorry this message was forwarded so late. I deleted the original after I thought I had forwarded it. I just found the message in my 'Drafts' folder after I found out the message didn't make it to birdnet. This message was sent on Friday, October 15th.

Birdnet Email -- from the website

----Original Message Follows----
 It was submitted by Lu Giddings.

Subject: birds of interest at Garr Ranch this afternoon [Fri. 15th]

Email_Address: seldom74@xmission.com

Message: 1. The Sabine's gull was seen in it's usual place at abt. 1:15 this afternoon
2. Jack Binch saw his 1st northern shrike of the season in the open area abt. 1/4 mile south of the fenced yard. Keep an eye open for roving bison - and their leavings.
3. an Illinois birder visiting to the ranch (just migrating? tis the season) told Jack she saw a Magnolia warbler flying in the area around or to the south of the spring. When Jack quizzed her, she said she saw the bird fly and got a good look at it. It had a yellow belly and a tail like an American redstart's but with yellow markings. She stuck both Jack and me as being reasonbly competent and credible.
4. Jack and I spent over an hour searching the area around the springs for the Magnolia (?) warbler. While searching I heard - and finally saw - a sapsucker very high overhead. All I saw of the bird was a very heavily streaked back - at first I thought it was a ladderback woodpecker but quickly came to my senses - and a large white wing patch. I never had a chance to see its head or chest. About the time I finally found it in the overstory it flew and could not be relocated. It is probably a red-naped sapsucker, but, however remote the possbility, visitors to Garr Ranch tomorrow should be on the look-out for a possible yellow-bellied sapsucker.

Lu Giddings

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