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FW: a great morning at Lytle ranch

Birdnet Email -- from the website

----Original Message Follows----
It was submitted by Lu Giddings.

Subject: a great morning at Lytle ranch

Email_Address: seldom 74@xmission.com

Message: Several birds of interest were seen at Lytle Ranch this morning. A YELLOW-THROATED VIREO was seen in the berry/bramble patch just north of the orchard and east of the road. Shortly after that, Jack Binch and I found the mixed flock of Brewers and chipping sparrows and with much perseverence were able to find a CLAY-COLORED SPARROW with them in the short grass in the orchard. While watching the sparrows, many red-naped sapsuckers were flying about. One of the birds was a RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER, a juvenile southern race bird that appeared very nearly as pictured in Sibleys. It was definitely *not* a hybrid bird, two of which I saw last week elsewhere. While Jack was trying to get photos - which unfortauntely was not possible - he saw a vireo that may have been a BLUE-CAPPED VIREO. The bird was very high in a large tree near the shop and did not permit sufficiently close scrutiny to make the call. I will be returning to Lytle tomorrow in an attempt to relocate and document the two vireos.

Lu Giddings

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