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Ouray National Wildlife Refuge Bird Survey

Ouray National Wildlife Refuge
General Waterbird Survey

What?  I can't hear you, the elk are bugling too loud.  What we don't have for birds this year, we are making up for with elk, deer and pronghorns.  The following birds were seen within the survey route:

Canada geese                   622
Mallard                           156
Gadwall                     29
Northern shoveler               2
Green-winged teal           778          
Teal                               5                  
Pintail                             11
Wigeon                               4
Lesser scaup                        1
American coot                   274
Pied-billed grebe               8
American pelican               2          
Great blue heron               6  
Sandhill crane                     49
American bittern               1
American avocet               1
Killdeer                               3
Lesser yellowlegs             13
Greater yellowlegs               1
Dowitcher                     46
Pectoral sandpiper               7                                
Ring-billed gull                       1  
Northern harrier                       1
Red -tail hawk                       1 (dark phase)

Diane Penttila
Ouray NWR
Randlett, UT
(435)545-2522 x 223