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Hi All,
I spent the morning birding the south end of Utah County from the Tintics to Goshen, Genola, West Mountain, and Lincoln Point. It's a fun time to be out because you have a mixture of summer residents procrastinating, fall migrants progressing, and winter visiters
pushing in. Add the predictable permanent residents and you have a parade of pleasurable performances. Whew!! So much for the literary exercise. I don't know what got into me!
 Nothing terribly rare, but here's some of the more interesting sightings:
Permanent: Common Bushtit - 3 flocks on the old Dividend/ Eureka road
                  Peregrine Falcon - Utah Lake/ Goshen Bay
                  Yellow-rumped Warblers - 100's, in all areas
Summer: 4 Grebes
              3 Gulls
              6 Swallows
              5 Warblers
Migrants: Osprey - Lincoln Point
              Townsend's Warbler - Tintics
              Cassin's Vireo - Tintics
Winter: MERLIN - West Mt.. Ist of Fall
Good Birding, Dennis               

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