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Chestnut-sided Warbler


I took another trip to Fish Springs to look for warblers, and was not disappointed. There was a Chestnut-sided Warbler in the trees just before you enter the private homes. It was very co-operative and let me and a group of SLCounty Birders get some very good looks and some photos.

Also in the order seen:

American Coot - Yellow-headed Blackbird - Say's Phoebe - White-crowned Sparrow - Mourning Dove - Red-breasted Nuthatch - House Finch - Downy Woodpecker - Loggerhead Shrike - Red-tailed Hawk - Western Kingbird - Cassin's Finch - Pine Siskin - Orange-crowned Warbler - Yellow-rumped Warbler - Cedar Waxwing -              Red-naped Sapsucker - Western Tanager - Chestnut-sided Warbler - American Robin - Brewer's Blackbird - Common Raven - Killdeer - Greater Yellowlegs - Lesser Yellowlegs - Long-billed Dowitcher - Horned Lark - Redl-necked Phalarope - Meadow Lark - Northern Harrier - American White Pelican - Double-crested Cormorant - Ring-billed Gull - Prairie Falcon - Great Blue Heron - Barn Swallow - Savannah Sparrow - White-faced Ibis - Snowy Egret - Forster's Tern - Spotted Sandpiper - Sage Thrasher -  American Goldfinch.  A couple of these sound out of place, but I guess that makes Fish Springs great at times.

Jack Binch