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FW: white ibis

Birdnet Email -- from the website

----Original Message Follows----
 It was submitted by Brooke Snarr.

Subject: white ibis

Email_Address: brookesnarr@yahoo.com

Message: The white ibis is still around the 2600 west location just west of the springville exit, generally where it has been seen the past few days. I spotted him tuesday afternoon, around 1:00 p.m.

I spotted him flying alone just north of westbound stateroad 77. He landed on the north edge of the field which is bordered by SR 77 on the south and 2600 west on the east. He is best seen from 2600 west, looking west.

Unlike prior postings, he was not mixed with any other birds, but was all alone, actually looking quite lost.

Brooke Snarr

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