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White Ibis - Mon. AM

    The White Ibis was seen this morning at around
10am from the previously described location off 2600 W
a short ways southwest of Exit 263.  It was, however,
NOT seen in the field with the other Ibises.  Several
flocks were moving around throughout the area, largely
due to 2+ Peregrine Falcons that were looking for
food.  One falcon caught a black bird but they didn't
seem to attempt to take any Ibis.  
     Finally, while scanning with other birders, I
spotted the WHITE IBIS at the tail end of a small,
distant flock of White-faced Ibis. The flock was
heading N or NE and was coming from about 1/2 mile SW
of our location on 2600W.  Soon, as the flock passed
well to the West, the White Ibis fell behind the flock
and began to soar, apparently drifting SE.  We
eventually lost it in a clear blue sky.  
     I hope others stuck around and saw it later and
that they'll post updates.
      Other birds included 4 Sandhill Cranes, A big
flock of W. Meadowlarks, a lone Canada Goose heading
North and lots of Vesper Sparrows.

Good Luck,
Matt Williams
Provo, UT 


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