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Pomera and I birded the St. George area this weekend and had good sightings! We headed up to Kolob Reservoir on Friday afternoon looking for Zone-tailed Hawks and California Condors. Partway up we saw a guy with binoculars pulled over to the side of the road so we pulled up beside him and boy were we lucky to meet Frank Nebenburgh who works with the Peregriine Fund. He was tracking the condors with radio telemetry and said he'd seen one at Lava Point and knew there were nine in the area. So we asked if we could follow him as he drove up the road. To make it short, we went all the way to the north end of Kolob Road beyond the reservoir to the point where the road forks and the left fork goes to Cedar City (home-made sign on the fence). We got out and he soon located a condor to the west and pretty quick it came up high enough to get great looks--the white markings on the under side of the wing were phenomenal. We watched it for a good while. Many thanks to Frank!!!

Then we came back back to to the reservoir and headed down toward St. George. About 1/2 to 1 mile below the reservoir we found a group of Turkey Vultures with two Zone-tailed Hawks with them. The Zone-taileds were flying real low and staying in a relatively small area--one even came down and landed in the pasture (it's a great pasture on the right as you come down from the reservoir--lots of grass, some marshy area and a creek). We watched them for probably 15 minutes or more. What a great way to start a birding trip!!

Other highlights of the trip included a Green Heron at Southgate golf course; a Greater Roadrunner, Goshawk, Pinyon Jays and Wild Turkey on the road to Oak Grove Campground; Blue Grosbeak family, great looks at a low-flying-circling Common Black Hawk, and Bell's Vireo at Lytle Preserve. We saw most of the common birds for the area.

The only negative on the trip came from some little bugs at Oak Grove Campground--we aborted the bird quest after about 45 minutes of fighting these little guys. They weren't biting but they hung around your face and body--I was pishing at the birds and I think I swallowed one (that'll teach him/her!)

It will forever be a very memorable trip -- an awesome last visit to St. George.

Good birding y'all,
Julie Van Moorhem


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