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Purple Gallinule (more photos)


I went up to the Jordan Wetlands to see the Purple Gallinule this
morning around 8:30am. A fellow birder already had the bird sighted in
his scope by the side of the road. I forgot his name, darn it.

He was happy to share his scope with me, and I was able to shoot off a
bunch of pictures before the bird skulked back into the cattails (about
3 minutes after I arrived). That is one spectacular bird and a lifer for

Here is a link to the photos:


I spent the next 2 hours walking the Jordanelle boardwalk. It was birdy
and cool, and I saw about 28 more species. I then joined up with several
more birders and staked out the culvert where I'd seen the bird earlier.
Alas, it hadn't shown up by 11:45am, which is when I left.

The bird is definitely worth the effort. Apparently, it was also seen
around 7:15am, so the best time to see the bird appears to be between 7
and 9am, assuming it continues to come back to this spot.

Jim Bailey


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