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Ouray National Wildlife Bird Survey

Ouray National Wildlife Refuge
General Waterbird Survey

What water we did have is drying up fast in our wetland units.  Broods are getting pushed together.  Lots of gadwall, pied-billed grebe, and coot broods, some just hatched.  Shorebirds are just starting to move in.   The following birds were seen within the survey route:

Canada geese                170
Mallard                        140
Gadwall                240
Northern shoveler            1
American wigeon            3  
Northern pintail                    1
Green-winged teal           25
Cinnamon teal                154
Wood duck                     2
Ruddy duck                  23
American coot                165
Pied-billed grebe          38
Western grebe                    4
Clark's grebe                    2                  
Great blue heron          35
Snowy egret                  24
B-C night heron                    6
D.C. cormorant                  40
American white pelican        127
White-faced ibis           16
American bittern             2
Virginia rail                      1
Killdeer                            74
American Avocet            14
Black-necked stilt            36
Lesser yellowlegs              4
Least sandpiper            10
Spotted sandpiper              1
Wilson's phalarope              3
Dowitchers                    53                                
Ring-billed gull                      7
Forster's tern                    10
Turkey vulture                      5
Northern harrier                     2
American kestrel             2
Red-tailed hawk             2
Great horned owl            1

Diane Penttila
Ouray NWR
Randlett, UT
(435)545-2522 x 223