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Utah River Festival

The Utah River Festival is coming up and one of the events is a 100 bird tour on June 11 and 12 (Friday and Saturday).  The bird tour starts at 5:30 am each day at Ouray NWR and will move up into the higher elevations of Forest Service lands.  Today we did a practice run.  Here at Ouray, in 3 1/2 - 4 hours we listed 62 birds.  Only a couple of those are migrating through so are questionable for the June 11 and 12, so we are expecting a good list of birds for the morning.  For the day, it will be a great way to see birds in a wide range of habitats in a short distance.  Come join us.

Diane Penttila
Ouray NWR
Refuge Biologist
Randlett, Utah
(435)545-2522 X 223